Jackson College Transparency Reporting

As a public institution, Jackson College is committed to transparency in all areas of operation. With this in mind, we have provided the following links as they relate JC’s compliance with the State of Michigan Public Act 62 of 2013 and other required disclosure.

Annual Budget

The Original Budget is adopted each year effective July 1. Adjusted budgets are adopted during the year as needed.

Best Practices Resolution

COVID-19 Reporting

Debt Service Obligations

General Fund Revenue and Expenditure Projections

Dual Enrollment Required Reporting

Financial Statements

(Fiscal Year ending June 30)

Financial Reports

Federal Awards Audit

(Fiscal Year ending June 30)

Five Year Master Plan

Health Benefits

Faculty, Administrators & Staff

Labor Agreements

Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act

Jackson College is committed to fulfilling its obligations to provide information to the public as required by the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). These procedures and guidelines are provided to assist the public in determining how the College will implement its obligations under FOIA.

Procedure to request records

Jackson College has designated the Chief Operating Officer as its FOIA Officer. The Chief Operating Officer may authorize other personnel to act on his or her behalf. FOIA requests must be submitted in writing. Written FOIA requests can be submitted in person, via mail or e-mail and can be sent to the following contact information:

By mail

Attn: FOIA Officer, Cindy Allen
Human Resources Office
Jackson College
2111 Emmons Rd.
Jackson, MI 49201

By e-mail

FOIA request forms can also be e-mailed to dunbarjoyced@mowangyun.com. Additional questions can be directed to 517.796.8467.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Estimated Cost

The estimated cost to the community college resulting from the patient protection and affordable care act, Public Law 111-148, as amended by the health care and education reconciliation act of 2010, Public Law 111-152, is $107,349.

Additional Financial Detail

Use and Financial Reporting