Science – Transfer Options

Associate in Science – Articulation Agreement

Articulation Agreements are formal agreements between two or more Colleges and Universities documenting the transfer policies for a specific academic program or degree. Jackson College has articulation agreements in accounting with the following colleges and universities.

  • Biology – Albion College

    Associate in Science degree at Jackson College to a Bachelor of Arts in Biology at Albion College

    Students who complete an Associate in Science degree from Jackson College, with at least a ‘C’ or better in the courses listed below and Satisfy Albion College’s admissions requirements, will be accepted into this articulation agreement.

    Under this agreement, Albion will accept approximately 60 credit hours and require a minimum of 64 credit hours or 16 units to be completed in courses offered by Albion College. This allows students to utilize the credit hours earned at JC and have those applied toward their bachelor’s degree.

    Articulation Effective Dates: 12/31/2020 – 12/31/2024

    General Education/MTA Requirements:

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    BIO 161 General Biology I 4 ENG 090* and MAT 033* or higher

    Biology 161 is the first semester of a one-year general biology experience intended for science majors or pre-professional students. This course covers nature of science, a survey of the major groups of living organisms (bacteria, fungi, plants and animals), the process and evidence for evolution, and the fundamentals of ecology. It provides the foundation for upper level biology courses. This course includes a laboratory component.

    CEM 141 General Chemistry I 5 CIS 095*, ENG 085*, ENG 090* and MAT 131* or higher

    This course is required for most sciences, engineering, and pre-professional health majors. Students who are required to take organic chemistry for their major should enroll in CEM 141 during their first semester. Topics include atomic and molecular structure, periodicity, chemical bonding, states of matter, kinetic molecular theory and stoichiometry. Course includes a laboratory component.

    COM 231 Communication Fundamentals 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    Students will learn the basic principles of speech communication including speech development and delivery, interpersonal message, non-verbal messages, and small group dynamics. The course is designed to prepare students to be effective communicators in a global society. Student speeches will be evaluated for effectiveness.

    ECN 231 Macroeconomics 3 ENG 101* and MAT 135 (Preferred), MAT 133 or MAT 139 Accepted

    This course covers macroeconomics and explains the operation of free markets, the role of government in the economy, measurement of the national product, inflation and unemployment, monetary and fiscal policy, and economic growth.

    ENG 131 Writing Experience I 3 ENG 085 and ENG 091

    This is an intensive writing course. Narrative and descriptive modes are stressed. Basic research strategies are introduced. An end-of-the-semester portfolio is required.

    ENG 132 Writing Experience II 3 ENG 131

    This is an intensive writing course. Analytical and persuasive modes are stressed. Advanced research writing strategies are used. Database and primary research methods are emphasized. An end-of-the-semester portfolio is required.

    GEL 160 Introduction to Geology 4 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    The course covers minerals, rocks, earthquakes and volcanoes. It also covers the landscapes and behaviors of continents and oceans. Diagrams, photographs, topographic maps, Internet resources and hands-on exercises are utilized to support the concepts. Course includes a laboratory component.

    MAT 151 Calculus I 4 MAT 141*

    First calculus course for business, mathematics, engineering and science students explores introductory plane analytic geometry, the derivative, the integral and their applications for algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions. The mathematics department recommends that the prerequisite not be more than two years old. If the prerequisite is more than two years old, then the recommendation is that the course placement exam should be taken or the prerequisite be retaken to ensure the success of the student.

    PSY 140 Introduction to Psychology 4 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    Overview of the field of psychology, including learning, development, emotion, motivation, personality, abnormal behavior and psychotherapy.

    SEM 140 Seminar in Life Pathways 3

    Seminar in Life Pathways is a gateway course to Jackson College. This course is designed to help all students develop the skills, inner qualities and external behaviors needed to take charge of their academic and career success. Students will be guided through an extensive process in making career choices and selecting an academic program of study at Jackson College and beyond. With the exception of second-admit programs, SEM 140 is required of all students.

    SOC 236 Women in a Changing Society 3 ENG 085* and ENG 131

    (SAME AS ENG 236) Inquiry into historical and changing roles of women, looking at causes of these changes and their effects on women and society through literature, sociology, biology and history.

    THR 116 Introduction to Theatre 3 ENG 085*

    Survey of Western theatre and drama. Appreciation of theatre through understanding of historical development and societal function. Theatre architecture, production, costuming and acting styles, and the artists who create them.

    JC Elective Courses/Required for Major at Albion:

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    BIO 162 General Biology II 4 CEM 131 or higher

    Biology 162 is the second semester of a one-year general biology experience intended for science majors or pre-professional students. This course covers the chemical basis of life, cell structure and function, photosynthesis and cellular respiration, molecular and Mendelian genetics, cell division, gene regulation and biotechnology. It provides the foundation for upper level biology courses. This course includes a laboratory component. Successful completion of BIO 161 is recommended prior to enrollment .

    BIO 258 Field Ecology 5 ENG 085*, ENG 090* and MTH 033* or higher

    This course is designed to provide hands-on field research experiences in ecology and environmental science. Students will be introduced to quantitative field science methodology, natural history, current research issues, and will participate in data collection for ongoing research projects. The ecological concepts that underlie modern hypothesis tests in ecology will be explored through discussions, readings and field research activities. Conducting regionally-based ecological projects with ecological mathematical methods are a major component of this course. People highly allergic to poison ivy, insects, molds or pollen need to take precautionary steps during field studies.

    CEM 241 Organic Chemistry I 5 CEM 142

    Comprehensive study of the major classes of organic compounds, their structures and reactions. The stero-chemical properties and spectra (IR and NMR) of molecules and their mechanisms of reactions are stressed. The laboratory experiments demonstrate techniques used in organic reactions, syntheses illustrating types of reactions, analysis of major classes of compounds, and kinetic studies.

    *Pre-req for CEM 241 is CEM 142 General Chemistry II. This course not required for major at Albion College, but is a required pre-requisite at Jackson.

    Additional Courses to take @ JC to fulfill Albion’s Mode of Inquiry Textual Analysis Requirement:

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    ENG 256 American Literature-20th Century 3 ENG 085* and ENG 131

    Students examine the literature and culture of America from 1890 to the present, with emphasis on the development of organic and post-modern writing in narrative, poetic and critical modes.

    Additional Courses to take @ JC to fulfill Albion’s Mode of Inquiry Historical & Cultural Analysis Requirement:

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    HIS 120 Ancient History 3 ENG 085* and ENG 090*

    This course attempts to answer the question, “Where did it all begin?” with a survey of the politics, art and religion of the ancient world from history’s beginning in Sumeria to the end of the ancient world when the Western Roman Empire faded out of sight in 476 A.D.

    Additional Courses to take @ JC to fulfill Albion’s Category Requirements:

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    ART 111 Art History: Prehistoric to 1400 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    This course is a survey of art history and aesthetics covering art and architecture from prehistoric times to 1400.

    **Students are required to take the last 64-68 credits (16-17 units) of their bachelor’s
    degree coursework at Albion College. Students are encouraged to complete MTA as this helps fulfill Albion’s Category and Mode requirements. Meet with your Student Success Navigator to enroll in the specific MTA courses listed as these relate directly to Albion’s requirements in these areas.

Michigan Transfer Pathways

Jackson College joins with community colleges across the state to create easy-to-understand pathways for students transferring credit to a university.

Working to increase degree completion among transfer students, community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. This allows community college students to apply every credit to four-year universities in specific programs.

  • Biology – MiTransfer Pathway

    MiTransfer Pathways – Biology

    Community colleges and universities have collaborated to simplify the transfer process by developing MiTransfer Pathways. These transfer pathways build on the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA), which makes it easier for students to transfer their general education courses earned at Jackson College to participating four-year institutions in Michigan. View Jackson College’s MTA requirements.

    Biology faculty identified courses that will transfer between community colleges and universities in Michigan. The following courses at Jackson College are guaranteed to transfer to biology programs of participating institutions.

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    BIO 161 General Biology I 4 ENG 090* and MAT 033* or higher

    Biology 161 is the first semester of a one-year general biology experience intended for science majors or pre-professional students. This course covers nature of science, a survey of the major groups of living organisms (bacteria, fungi, plants and animals), the process and evidence for evolution, and the fundamentals of ecology. It provides the foundation for upper level biology courses. This course includes a laboratory component.

    BIO 162 General Biology II 4 CEM 131 or higher

    Biology 162 is the second semester of a one-year general biology experience intended for science majors or pre-professional students. This course covers the chemical basis of life, cell structure and function, photosynthesis and cellular respiration, molecular and Mendelian genetics, cell division, gene regulation and biotechnology. It provides the foundation for upper level biology courses. This course includes a laboratory component. Successful completion of BIO 161 is recommended prior to enrollment .

    CEM 141 General Chemistry I 5 CIS 095*, ENG 085*, ENG 090* and MAT 131* or higher

    This course is required for most sciences, engineering, and pre-professional health majors. Students who are required to take organic chemistry for their major should enroll in CEM 141 during their first semester. Topics include atomic and molecular structure, periodicity, chemical bonding, states of matter, kinetic molecular theory and stoichiometry. Course includes a laboratory component.

    CEM 142 General Chemistry II 5 CEM 141

    This course is the second semester of general chemistry and extends material covered in CEM 141. Covered concepts include chemical thermodynamics, electrochemical reactions, reaction kinetics, acid-base theories, nuclear chemistry, and aqueous solutions with emphasis on equilibrium. Experiments include quantitative methods, stoichiometry, colorimetry, and gravimetric analysis. Course includes a laboratory component.

    CEM 241 Organic Chemistry I 5 CEM 142

    Comprehensive study of the major classes of organic compounds, their structures and reactions. The stero-chemical properties and spectra (IR and NMR) of molecules and their mechanisms of reactions are stressed. The laboratory experiments demonstrate techniques used in organic reactions, syntheses illustrating types of reactions, analysis of major classes of compounds, and kinetic studies.

    CEM 242 Organic Chemistry II 5 CEM 241

    A continuation of CEM 241. Course includes a laboratory component.

    Jackson College Degree Requirements

    These are Jackson College associate degree requirements and may not be accepted for transfer by universities participating in the agreement.

    Course # Course Name Credits Prerequisites Notes
    COM 231 Communication Fundamentals 3 ENG 085, ENG 091

    Students will learn the basic principles of speech communication including speech development and delivery, interpersonal message, non-verbal messages, and small group dynamics. The course is designed to prepare students to be effective communicators in a global society. Student speeches will be evaluated for effectiveness.

    GEO 7 Some MTA courses meet this requirement 3
    SEM 140 Seminar in Life Pathways 3

    Seminar in Life Pathways is a gateway course to Jackson College. This course is designed to help all students develop the skills, inner qualities and external behaviors needed to take charge of their academic and career success. Students will be guided through an extensive process in making career choices and selecting an academic program of study at Jackson College and beyond. With the exception of second-admit programs, SEM 140 is required of all students.

    Transfer Institution Degree Requirements

    Transfer institutions have identified remaining degree requirements that a student can take at Jackson College that will transfer to a participating biology program. To view each institution’s additional degree requirements, select your transfer institution then use Michigan Transfer Networks’s course equivalencies tool to find the course equivalent at Jackson College.

Medical Sciences

The medical sciences major is designed for pre-professional students who are interested in graduate training in human medicine. Students have a variety of areas of specialization within the field of medicine available to them at the postgraduate level. They may pursue medical, osteopathic or dental school, graduate level pharmacy programs and physicians assistant or pathology assistant programs.

Suggested Course Sequence

First Year, Fall Semester

  • BIO 161 or BIO 162, CEM 141, ENG 131, MAT 141 or MAT 151

First Year, Spring Semester

  • BIO 232, CEM 142, ENG 132, PSY 140

First Year, Summer Semester

  • PSY 252, Michigan Transfer Agreement humanities course

Second Year, Fall Semester

  • CEM 241, PHL 236, PHY 231, Michigan Transfer Agreement social science course

Second Year, Spring Semester

  • CEM 242, PHY 232, Michigan Transfer Agreement humanities course, program-specific course requirement


Veterinarians play a major role in the health care of pets, livestock, and zoo, sporting, and laboratory animals. Veterinarians also use their skills to protect humans against diseases carried by animals, and conduct clinical research on human and animal health problems.

Suggested Course Sequence

First Year, Fall Semester

  • BIO 161 or BIO 162, CEM 141, ENG 131, MAT 141 or MAT 151

First Year, Spring Semester

  • BIO 232, CEM 142, ENG 132, Michigan Transfer Agreement social science course

Second Year, Fall Semester

  • CEM 241, PHY 231, Michigan Transfer Agreement humanities & social science courses

Second Year, Spring Semester

  • BIO 220, CEM 242, PHY 232, Michigan Transfer Agreement humanities course